Find Your Way
This is the first blog on my new and improved website. Still working out a few kinks. I regret you can’t sign up for the email list yet, but promise it will be forthcoming. I do hope you’ll check out my new book. It is based on the true stories of the people I’ve met through the years. Every topic covered in the book has found its way in front of me through people sharing how life impacts them and their loved ones. You will feel that in the poems of domestic violence, suicide, grief/loss, bullying, spiritual and social issues and more that touch every one’s lives.
Find Your Way:
When there’s nothing left
but hard feelings and stubborn pride,
find your way through it.
When your conflicts trickle down,
onto your spouse/significant other,
children, grandchildren, friends,
catching them all in the middle of your drama.
Find your way back to each other.
Is it really that difficult?
When there are families
with a newly empty chair at their table,
mourning the loss of a loved one,
don’t take life for granted.
See it as the gift it is.
Find your way back to each other.
When a parent is sitting bedside,
holding vigil for the recovery of their ill child,
while in the other room, a woman holds the hand
of her husband as he takes his last breath,
think of your priorities.
Find your way back to each other.
When each person is fighting battles you can’t see,
each one flawed just like you.
Incapable of being perfect,
remember, they are only human.
You are only human.
Find your way back to each other.
When we can feel genuine emotion again
for our fellow human beings who
are targeted and traumatized, or worse,
We can find grace and gratitude,
Instead of anger and resentment.
Be thankful for everything.
For everyone.
Find your way back to each other.
When you choose your battles wisely,
You forgive.
Not just for the other person,
but for yourself.
And you become a better human.
So that you can find your way back to yourself.
An excerpt from “Humane Way to Mental Health”