It’s that time of year when kids head back to school and you can feel Fall in the air.
Some kids are excited to get back and see their friends. Some don’t like mornings and have enjoyed a summer of sleeping in. Parents may be relieved to get back to a routine. Some have enjoyed the pace of summer and having kids at home. This group seems to be in the minority.
For me what always stands out is all the hustle and bustle as buses are running, crossing guards are out and parents often rushing to get their kids to school on time. Not so organized chaos.
You might think this is a short term issue as everyone needs to settle back in to their routine. It’s not. I’ve been driving through a large school zone for several years now. There should be signs posted that say “enter at your own risk” or “driving with reckless abandon” is welcome here.
It’s a miracle that children or their crossing guards haven’t been harmed. Not far down the road from this school zone there have been injuries. Not a surprise. Across the state/country, children and crossing guards have been hit and killed by drivers not paying attention.
There are speed limit signs for “When Children Are Present” which is 25 miles per hour. Not to be missed is the speed limit if children aren’t present. In the school zone I drive through that includes an elementary school, church daycare, middle school, high school and a catholic school; the normal speed is 30 miles per hour. For those who don’t know, speed limits in the school zone (or elsewhere) are not suggestions. They are there for the safety of the children. Yet they are totally disregarded by a vast majority.
I’ve had people tailgate me, gesture (you can guess) and mouth words while pounding their steering wheel because I won’t drive faster through the school zone. With kids out on both sides of the road, I’ve been passed by a car eager to get to the red stoplight in front of us. Obviously many are unaware of the “kids dart, drive smart” philosophy we’ve become familiar with over the years. Or, they just don’t care. Even if you don’t have kids in these schools, their safety should matter. I don’t have children in these schools but it matters to me.
As people have become annoyed when they are behind me in the school zone; likely wondering why I won’t go faster, I wonder if they’ve ever asked themselves why they don’t slow down?
For the record if you come up behind me like that it’s not going to make me drive faster. Please be aware of where you are and what your responsibility is when you are driving. Those children are trusting us to look out for their safety.
Keeping the kids safe isn’t just for during the school year. Being aware of “when children are present” isn’t just for when they are crossing the road. It’s a life responsibility that we all have whether we have children or not. Kids listen to what you say and watch what you do. Show them you know their value. Be aware of your surroundings and slow down!