The Art of Collaboration
I’ve been thinking recently about my work journey; how I came to take my current role and what makes it one of the most satisfying experiences. Working in healthcare and mental health specifically I’ve had many opportunities to collaborate. My current experience working together with medical providers (doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other medical professionals) to find the optimal medical and mental health care for our common patients is one of my favorite things to do. By definition to collaborate is to come together to create or achieve a goal. We do that every day as we assess, discuss and work together for the best possible outcome for each individual.
Over the past days and weeks I’ve thought about how collaboration looks on a larger scale. Anyone paying attention knows these are serious times with challenging issues in our nation and our world. Do people really believe there is a circumstance that occurs or a point we reach when we don’t have to work together for the common good?
Over two weeks ago, our elected representatives decided to remove Kevin McCarthy, as speaker of the house. As of this date, they have yet to elect a replacement. In January when they chose McCarthy, it took 15 ballots to reach consensus. Their lack of collaboration existed then and continues now.
There are people who thrive on division and working in a more unilateral, self serving fashion. That attitude is creating dysfunction in our government and our nation. Beyond the obvious division that is occurring is the vulnerability that results. The world is watching what is happening in our Country. This in-fighting among our representatives directly comes from their failure to collaborate and just as important their failure to lead our nation.
Does that serve the common good? Does that benefit the people?
The behavior of our elected representatives reminds me of those divorced parents I’ve worked with over the years who refuse to be civil even for the sake of their children. The two major political parties rarely finding common ground and attacking each other like they are enemies. Completely losing sight of the fact that all of them are human beings and Americans. Completing losing sight that they were elected by the people to serve. They took an oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Nowhere did that oath say to treat their fellow representatives like enemies. Nowhere did it say to threaten each other so they would do what you want them to do. Nowhere did it say to ignore their responsibilities entrusted to them by the people who elected them.
Ironically of several reasons they gave for removing McCarthy from being Speaker was because he collaborated with Democrats to keep the government open. McCarthy has his flaws. But to have his removal come on the heels of him collaborating with his fellow representatives speaks volumes about the trouble we are in right now. Again, the world is watching and our vulnerability is showing as our “leadership” continues to flounder. Collaboration should not be this hard. Necessary. Beneficial. But, not this hard.
There should be no disagreement about wanting our elected representatives to work together. There should be no disagreement that the government should not shut down because of their failure to collaborate on behalf of the American people. The last shut down in 2018-19 was costly financially and impacted the lives of many. Is this really the time that we want our military to have to work without pay? That is one of many things that can happen when the government shuts down. The last shut down lasted 34 days. That should NOT happen again because our leadership can’t figure out how to work together.
Is it too much to ask that these elected representatives be able to communicate, compromise and yes collaborate on behalf of the American people who put them in office? While they would state verbal intentions to work together, their behavior tells a different story. Speaker McCarthy worked across the aisle with Democrats to send a recommended 45 day funding bill to the president. In other words, McCarthy did collaborate with his fellow representatives (Democrats) to avoid shutting down the government. When discussing his intention to oust McCarthy as speaker, Representative Matt Gaetz said, “It’s becoming increasingly clear who the speaker of the House already works, and it’s not the Republican conference.” These representatives have truly lost their way. One more time. They work for us.
With the State of War that is now occurring in Israel and unrest that is being felt throughout the Middle East and in other parts of the world, do we really want to sit back and wait for Washington to get their act together? We must use our voices and our votes. We need people who are committed to working together for the good of our Country. People who fully understand what a leader is and what their responsibilities are. Where are the leaders?
“Where are you who want nothing to do with pettiness and can act with civility and dignity? That know the difference between policy and theory? That have no interest in conspiracies, but want collaborations? Where are you leaders who are inspired, motivated and have an attitude based on a solid value system and authenticity? Proven competency, willing to go the way to show the way.
Dear leader you are entrusted to guide and be an example. To have integrity and the courage of your convictions. You do not succumb to the pettiness and are understanding of who we are. It’s a lot for the American people to ask, but it’s not too much to ask for those who have the dedication and courage to take on this task, to be selfless. To be a public servant, leading with honor. Make us proud. ”
In 1858, Abraham Lincoln gave a speech called “A House Divided, saying, A house divided against itself cannot stand.” For those of faith, this is not so different from Matthew 12:25 which says “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” We are indeed a house divided against itself. No shortage of finger pointing and blaming. There are plenty of bad actors ready to pounce and take advantage of these cracks in our armor as our representatives argue with each other and fail to find ways to work together on behalf of the people who elected them.
“We, the people affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens.” Does that sound familiar? It is the preamble of our constitution. Let us remind those we elected that we expect them to work together. As other corners of the world have shown us and are experiencing; no matter how good your intelligence is, terrorists will prey on your vulnerabilities. Israel is known for having top notch intelligence and today we are reminded that it can happen to anyone at anytime. While I believe in our intelligence I am aware that our chaotic situation in Washington makes us increasingly vulnerable. We must not fall prey to these bad actors. We must not let those who are self serving and divisive with their own agendas tear us apart to the point we are turning on each other.
We need to find ways to come together. My vote will go to those who understand about unifying and collaborating. The world is a big place. We are impacted by what goes on in other places with other human beings.