Across from where I sit in the evening I have a sign that says, “Be the person your dog thinks you are.” I got to thinking about that, not just in terms of how my dog Lucy perceives me. I will come back to that because it’s important. As I sat staring at that sign my thoughts soon became “Be the person God made you to be.” It’s not such a leap when you look deeper and remember that dog spelled backwards is God.
I had to sit with this for awhile. Have you ever thought about it? Not just wondering if you are the person you want to be…or the person others, including pets think you are? If you are a believer are you the person God made you to be?
If you waiver in your answer to being the person that God made you to be, then chances are you have doubts about being the person you want to be and question how others see you. Including your furry friends.
So here’s my truth and only mine. I won’t tell you what to believe. This is the no judgment zone. Not to spoil the ending for you, but I believe if I can say YES that I am the person that God made me to be, then I’m absolutely the person my dog thinks I am. As far as how others see me, well…that’s none of my business. I can’t control what others think. I want people to see me in a positive light, but I can’t control whether they do.
Over my life I have thought many times I had it all figured out and knew who I was and how my life would go. However, that’s not how it went and there have been too many twists and turns to count. I’ve come to believe that no matter what has happened I’m right where I’m supposed to be. There are shoulda, coulda, woulda moments when I’ve had a less than great day. In the end I believe this is where God wanted me.
Am I doing what God wants me to do every day? I hope so. I’m a flawed human being so I’ve stumbled many times. I’m perfect at being imperfect. I’m confident God has a sense of humor. Good thing because I’m sure I’ve entertained him a few times with my missteps. 🤷🏻♀️
In regard to my initial point, if I’m ultimately striving to “Be the person God made me to be,” then I am the person my dog thinks I am. Though, in both instances whether through prayer or action I could do better. I’m working on it my sweet Lucy. ❤️🐾🐾
Time for you to ask yourself, starting with “Be, the person God made you to be.” Are you? If so and you have furry friends, then you too can say you are the person your dog/cat thinks you are. 😁
Have a Blessed Day!